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Cours disponibles

REDCap e-Consent Training Course

Ce cours couvre les pratiques et protocoles de sécurité incendie pour les professionnels travaillant dans des environnements institutionnels et de laboratoire. Les apprenants acquerront une compréhension des causes d'incendie et de la prévention, de l'utilisation des extincteurs et de la réponse d'urgence.

Participant Binder Repository Support Staff Training

Participant Binder Repository User Study Staff Training

This course covers fire safety practices and protocols for working professionals in institutional and laboratory settings. Learners will gain an understanding of fire causes and prevention, using fire extinguishers, and emergency response.

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request. 

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request. 

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request. 

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request. 

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request. 

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request. 

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request. 

This course is intended to aid in use of the ICER Mali Procurement SharePoint site, specifically for people intending to submit new requests into the procurement system. It includes a few brief videos to help the user familiarize themselves with the site, a Quick Reference Guide displaying all aspects of the request form, and some helpful user guides for every action the requestor will need to complete in order to submit a request.